Sunday, June 17, 2007

I come to you

I come to you
You come to me
There is giving of self

I am present for you
You are present for me
When we are together, it is alive, it is living

As I write, I see myself
Holding your face in my hands
Kissing your eyelids, your lips

So few the times I have been able to come to you,
So few the times you are able to come to me
Yet, somehow it has happened.

I long to wake up with you
I long to lie in repose like Buddha
Waiting, waiting for your return.

I come to you
You come to me
It is enough.

For now.


lime said...

oh, the longing....

Nana-g said...

Ah limers - you know good men, they always do leave you longing... and he is a good man.

Jacob said...

Very nice, this, Nana-g. Lovely. I long to long. It's been not enough long, though.