Friday, June 15, 2007

Father's Day

Here's to all the wonderful caring dads: Happy Father's Day!
Here's to my oldest son Fish-Dad who has broken every model of cruel person he could have become, and didn't. He is an amazing, loving and kind person. The amazing part? - how he is with the brothers. There is something heart bursting to see this 6'5 frame of a man bent down to listen (forehead to forehead kind of really listening) to his sons. This I know, the brothers will become their true selves because of his being their dad.
Fish-dad - Happy Father's Day.


Jacob said...

How true that is. I have seen that boy in action. What a Dad Guy. Amazing. You brung him up realllll good.

I called home and found out that Mr. Gawpo, Sr. is working in Susanville this week and the next. My father, at nearly 77, NEEDS TO F-ING RETIRE, ALREADY!!!!

And even though your dad was, shall we say, a little more than less than perfect, this is your first Father's Day without him somewhere on the planet. And I am thinking of you on all the levels. Hugs, G.

Neoma said...

I just wanted to say what a wonderful tribute to your son, and I guess to yourself as well. Since you raised him...

SUSANVILLE, now that is a town that I don't hear bantered about much, and I was born there.

lime said...

oh the image of a big man kneeling in tenderness does my heart good. thank yo ufor one more dad to add to my own count this weekend.