Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I am knitting. My house is a sterile field, closets and drawers clean, refrigerator clean, floors and bathroom - clean. I am knitting. I am knitting my 'what's next?' As the precisely knitted rows become increasingly longer, I pray, I hope, my 'what's next' will appear like some magic tapestry. When in doubt, knit.
I am wondering who I am without kids, you know - the who you are when you are left alone, not engaged in work, math problems, reading to kids, making dinner, lunches, breakfast, car pooling basketball, track and volleyball. The who you are after caring for your invalid dad, who died (how I spent my summer vacation last year)... I have time to shower, pee, put on makeup without interruption. I have time to contemplate what color of lipstick would really look good with my complexion. Am I a 'winter'?
I am knitting.


lime said...

you're knitting a cocoon. it is soothing and cozy and allows you to rest after so much work and so many demands. and when you emerge it will be apparent what beautiful creature you have grown into....not to say there was anything unlovely about the former...

Nana-g said...

Ah Lime, you must knit too! Or even better know LIFE - it is safe, this knitting. Cozy cocoon - I love the thought of it.

vicci said...

nana-g....I found your wondrous blog from Gawpo...he has good taste! My ART takes the place of your is my Safe Cacoon....I take care of my (soon to be 91 yr.old) Dad....when he says to me "what" ????? for the millionth time in a day...and I want to scream...then I retire to the studio to make art! I will visit often! I will be sure to thank my friend...Gawpo! :-)

Nana-g said...

vicci: my dear friend who cared for his dying father likened care giving to haiku: fast/slow. Good you have ART, there is the balance. I wish you well - that was a sacred very long moment.

Gill said...

NanaG bravissima!! Wonderful. Just Knit. I love the simplicity of it all. Was pointed here via that cute Sicilian fellow with the pinchable cheeks.
Lovin the blog Nana!

Annie Jeffries said...

I love the imagery of knitting as a way of creating your SELF. Beautifully knitted. Gawpo was right. Reading here is instant love.

Jacob said...

Hey! What I want to know is this: How is it possible that you could sneak into my house, steal my digital camera, upload the very picture of the wild irises that are growing in MY yard before I even have the chance to upload it to my own computer, then sneak it back into the house without me noticing?

What do you mean, snoring?

(tres beautiful)

Nana-g said...

Well Gawpo (you do have pinchable cheeks!) you weren't really snoring that loudly, and it is only one picture - ng