Sunday, August 19, 2007

The dress

The below coveting began with dress shopping (gawpo, go check out limers in her back to school shopping outfit!) anyway my sprinkles on the top friend who needed a dress for the same occasion came with me. There is a huge story about the shopping trip, her being a night owl and up at 9am with makeup on, ready to shop - just sick and wrong not involving alcohol and/or cards...

We got a bunch of stuff, all under our set budget! Score - so big! We both work the county fair the week before the big event needing a fancy chi-chi dress. The fair is grimy really dusty, dirty, smell of cow pie and not a chi-chi event. It always makes us laugh the transformation from cow to wow!

I get home from the fair and go into the big town to meet up with one of the firefighters working the fair. He is lost, but knows where the Ram (microbrewery) is located (go figure)... I try on the one dress I think would be a good chi-chi event dress, but not sure because there is a lot of bending and moving involved at the event. I shower off the fair grime, put on the dress and head out to pick up the FF for dinner, and to get him back to headquarters for the fair.

We get seated and talk, drink, order food, and drink some more. The appetizers come
and go, and we order dinner and more drinks. I am talking with my hands and telling him about the Bandaid-Blister brigade he will be working, when I look up and the waiter is staring at my dress. I am old and have long passed the staring from waiter stage, so I think - oh good god, what have a dribbled on to me now?! I look down and my boob is fully exposed. When I turned to FF the dressed stayed put, leaving pretty much Victoria's secret out of the closet. FF that he was, when I said, 'Why did you not tell me my dress had some strategic problems?!'looked at me straight faced and said,'It looked fine to me...'

Limers - the boobie dress stayed home and the 'o' dress went to the dance. My lesson? FF's not the best judges of workable dresses.


lime said...

oh my stars, nana g! he ought to be ashamed of himself! i can appreciate him enjoying the view btu a gentleman would have cared about your embarassment more than his ogling opportunity.

that is quite a story too!

Jacob said...

Finally, I arrive. To check you out. And now to go check Limers out in her outfit. I hear she has proof of having been in Wagontire.