Sunday, August 19, 2007

Endings and Beginnings

Today I am all finished with the industry of finishing a job. I have packed all my belongings and left instructions on how to proceed - a general topography map of the things to do.
How I love my friends/co-workers, how I will miss our day to dayness of being together. In any transition there is the moment of being two places at once - not really here nor there, transitory (like a fragrance that trails someone after they leave a room).
Remember when you were tiny and all dressed in your bathing suit?
Standing at the edge of the pool, hands stretched out, wanting to jump, but so afraid? All purple and goosebumps, shivering limbs and lips?
Your cajoling mom in front saying, ‘It’s fine, it is fun! You love water!’
Wanting to jump into the abyss, wanting to jump into waiting arms but so afraid!
Here I stand, ready to leave the safety of the cold concrete and jump, flat out to waiting arms and cold water.
The exhilarating feeling of flight, here is where I am - neither here nor there, suspended mid air, waiting for the splash!

1 comment:

lime said...

so perfectly captured! hoping the water is perfect.