Wednesday, November 21, 2007


It is on toward the really great part of November, the giving of thanks:
1.) My kids
2.) My grandkids
3.) My friends
4.) My extended and extensive family
5.) My dog
6.) My retainer that lets me walk
7.) The ability to walk
8.) The ability to laugh
9.) My coastal life
10.) My breitenbush life
All inclusive, the ability to love, all the to be verbs. Happy Thanksgiving, may you be with the people you love, in the place you want to be - and He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." ~ Epictetus ~


lime said...

well said, i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!

Nana-g said...

You too limers! lots of family, food and hiking (got really muddy boys, sticks and bran the wonder dog!). Does not get better than that :)